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Klotski Agregado el 08 Aug 2020 Reproducido 214 veces Acertijos, 1 jugador, Habilidad con el ratón, Android, HTML5, Bloques, Móvil, iPhone, iPad, Pantalla táctil, Pensar

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Descripción del juego:

Sliding-block puzzles where the aim is to move a specific block to some predefined location. Klotski is a sliding block puzzle thought to have originated in the early 20th century. The name may refer to a specific layout of ten blocks, or in a more global sense to refer to a whole group of similar sliding-block puzzles where the aim is to move a specific block to some predefined location. The goal is to move the big peculiar tile down to the exit position. In the wooden version (or 3D printed at Archimedes) the tile is thinner than other tiles which makes it able to slide through the exit "door" of the same height.

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